Saturday, December 15, 2007

Day 1 still

I just got home from a long day out. After my 27-turned-42 hour flight, I woke up pretty early this morning so we took advantage of my non jetlaggedness. We took the Delhi's new Metro to the center of town. My grandfather's house is perfectly situated between 2 stations. The metro started about 3 years ago, and it seriously is the best thing to happen to India next to cell phones. I think it's the exact system that Paris uses. It has mobilized people immensely. Even more than that, the metro seems to transform people. The second you enter the station, trash disappears, people aren't loud, and no one spits out tobacco on the floor. On the train, men quickly get up from a seat if there's an old lady or a mom with a baby. Everyone's proud. The best thing is watching the people at the escalator. Many that have lived in old delhi all their lives have never been on one. There were 3 old muslim ladies in full burkhas standing at the bottom of the escalator just staring, and so as my dad was about to get on, they asked him to let them hold his arm haha they giggled all the way up. Old delhi is where Jama Masjid is- the largest mosque in India built in the 1600s. So naturally, the community is mostly Indian muslims who never really travelled outside that area.. until the Metro! The only thing is that the metro hasn't relieved car and people traffic in delhi like I anticipated, but rather increased it. There is a clear contrast when you look through the big glass windows on the above ground metros; as much as delhi has developed, there still exists extreme poverty everywhere you go.

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