Saturday, December 29, 2007

Day 15

Everytime we walk past a market, which is like everywhere, I stop and start seeing things I want. You could spend twice the amount of time in one market than at like fashion show mall. yesterday I got some more jewelry but i've had to limit myself on the shawls and stolls. the only reason things are less expensive here is bc it costs less to make it bc labor is so cheap. hence why all things we use in america are made in countries like china. One aunty said "benefits of an immensely populated country". for sure.
I love taking rickshaws everywhere. i figure the 10 rupees/25 cents im adding to the economy is worth me not walking. We've only used the 3-wheeler auto rickshaws a few times since there's the metro now. and the roads are scary no doubt. People all have drivers bc i would imagine its very tiring. You have to look in all directions bc there are no lanes and its constant stop and go. people only drive manuals and honking is used for warning. Just about every car has the side view mirrors broken off or folded inwards bc it takes up too much space, and there are no seatbelts in the backseats. Some cars have belts in the back, but no buckles..
Kids aren't put in carseats either. I was like hot damn.
oh how could i forget the not-so-shocking yet shocking assassination of ms. Benazir Bhutto. Its been on the news 24/7 here. So it was evening time and my dad and I were walking in the market when we overheard a guy saying "the bhutto lady was killed". He was telling someone this in hindi and I heard "bhutta lady". Bhutta is corn on the cob, and i just got some from the lady at the end of the market road. I was shocked and kept saying are you sure are you sure we just bought corn from her! Yeah i felt dumb. but anyways Bhutto was a very intelligent woman, harvard AND oxford educated. she was Pakistan's prime minister twice, but then her and her husband were both exiled many times for fraud and embezzlement. Her kids live in dubai and everytime they play a slideshow, there's this one side picture of her with glasses that have a big fat Chanel symbol haha. Her and her family's history is pretty interesting. it's sad to see pakistan crumble everytime there seems to be hope.. oh that musharaff... tsk tsk.

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